
Kul'turnoe nasledie Rossijskogo gosudarstva = Cultural heritage of the Russian State. Vypusk 6, čast' 2, učenye, politiki, žurnalisty, deâteli kul'tury i iskusstva, pisateli, aspiranty vuzov, kollekcionery, veterany minuvšej vojny ob istoriceskom i kul'turnom dostoânii = scientist, politicians, reporters, figures of culture and art, writers, collectors, veterans of the world war II about the historical and cultural heritage


Kul'turnoe nasledie Rossijskogo gosudarstva = Cultural heritage of the Russian State. Vypusk 6, čast' 2, učenye, politiki, žurnalisty, deâteli kul'tury i iskusstva, pisateli, aspiranty vuzov, kollekcionery, veterany minuvšej vojny ob istoriceskom i kul'turnom dostoânii = scientist, politicians, reporters, figures of culture and art, writers, collectors, veterans of the world war II about the historical and cultural heritage

Культурное наследие Российского государства = Cultural heritage of the Russian State. Выпуск 6, часть 2, ученые, политики, журналисты, деятели культуры и искусства, писатели, аспиранты вузов, коллекционеры, ветераны минувшей войны об историцеском и культурном достоянии = scientist, politicians, reporters, figures of culture and art, writers, collectors, veterans of the world war II about the historical and cultural heritage