
Soloneviči i Sever : finlândskaâ problematika v literaturnom nasledii Solonevičej i važnejšie čerty publicistiki Finlândii 1930-h godov = The Soloneviches and the North : Finland in the literary heritage of the Soloneviches and the major features of publicism in Finland of 1930s


Soloneviči i Sever : finlândskaâ problematika v literaturnom nasledii Solonevičej i važnejšie čerty publicistiki Finlândii 1930-h godov = The Soloneviches and the North : Finland in the literary heritage of the Soloneviches and the major features of publicism in Finland of 1930s

Солоневичи и Север : финляндская проблематика в литературном наследии Солоневичей и важнейшие черты публицистики Финляндии 1930-х годов = The Soloneviches and the North : Finland in the literary heritage of the Soloneviches and the major features of publicism in Finland of 1930s