
Arabo-musulʹmanskaâ istoriografiâ IX v. o stranah i narodah Kavkaza, Armânskogo nagorʹâ i smežnyh oblastej = Arabic-islamic historiography of the 9th c. about countries and peoples of Caucasus, Armenian highlands and adjacent regions


Arabo-musulʹmanskaâ istoriografiâ IX v. o stranah i narodah Kavkaza, Armânskogo nagorʹâ i smežnyh oblastej = Arabic-islamic historiography of the 9th c. about countries and peoples of Caucasus, Armenian highlands and adjacent regions

Арабо-мусульманская историография IX в. о странах и народах Кавказа, Армянского нагорья и смежных областей = Arabic-islamic historiography of the 9th c. about countries and peoples of Caucasus, Armenian highlands and adjacent regions