
What is behind the OpenDOAR? New Development and Community Benefits


What is behind the OpenDOAR? New Development and Community Benefits

Since its outset in 2005 the Directory of Open Access (OpenDOAR) [1] harvests, holds, distributes and maintains authoritative metadata about open access repositories. OpenDOAR staff have assessed over three thousand open access repositories world wide against a set of criteria to establish their openness making OpenDOAR the leading service of its kind worldwide. Now the technology underlying OpenDOAR is changing to accommodate a distributed, holistic network of services in the repository eco-system. The change will increase accessibility and re-use of OpenDOAR data, prompting innovative development and enabling the establishment of services that improve research workflows. Cottage Labs and the University of Nottingham have collaborated using funding from Jisc [2] to develop a new system architecture, data model and overall approach to the registry which will dramatically change the way the community can interact with it.

Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014

General Track Papers and Panels

The session was recorded and is <a href="https://connect.funet.fi/p6vrwsfdunf">available for watching</a> (this presentation starts at 0:44:08)
