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Kolčinskij, È. I. К. (2007). Biologiâ Germanii i Rossii-SSSR v usloviâh social'no-političeskih krizisov pervoj poloviny XX veka (meždu liberalizmom, kommunizmom i nacional-socializmom): Biology in Germany and Russia-USSR under conditions of social-political crises of the first half of the XX century (between liberalism, communism and national-socialism). Nestor-Istoriâ.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Kolčinskij, Èduard Izrailevič. Колчинский. Biologiâ Germanii I Rossii-SSSR V Usloviâh Social'no-političeskih Krizisov Pervoj Poloviny XX Veka (meždu Liberalizmom, Kommunizmom I Nacional-socializmom): Biology in Germany and Russia-USSR Under Conditions of Social-political Crises of the First Half of the XX Century (between Liberalism, Communism and National-socialism). Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istoriâ, 2007.


Kolčinskij, Èduard Izrailevič. Колчинский. Biologiâ Germanii I Rossii-SSSR V Usloviâh Social'no-političeskih Krizisov Pervoj Poloviny XX Veka (meždu Liberalizmom, Kommunizmom I Nacional-socializmom): Biology in Germany and Russia-USSR Under Conditions of Social-political Crises of the First Half of the XX Century (between Liberalism, Communism and National-socialism). Nestor-Istoriâ, 2007.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Kolčinskij, È. I. К. 2007. Biologiâ Germanii i Rossii-SSSR v usloviâh social'no-političeskih krizisov pervoj poloviny XX veka (meždu liberalizmom, kommunizmom i nacional-socializmom): Biology in Germany and Russia-USSR under conditions of social-political crises of the first half of the XX century (between liberalism, communism and national-socialism). Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istoriâ.

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