
Kitab al-Ṭabīḫ كتاب الطبيخ‎ (1100–1200)

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Kitab al-Ṭabīḫ كتاب الطبيخ‎ (1100–1200)

Kitab al-Tabikh
كتاب الطبيخ

Arabic cookery book, dated tentatively to 12th or 13th century by the editors (Öhrnberg & Mroueh) on the basis of the manuscript. Aro suggests (grounds not made explicit) that the manuscript came to the library from the collections of G. A. Wallin, but Öhrnberg & Mroueh simply describe it as being of unknown provenance.

Kitab al-Ṭabīḫ in the Qalamos database:

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