
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Cooper, J. C. (2020). Toponymy on the Periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic until the End of the New Kingdom. Brill.

Chicago-stil citat

Cooper, Julien Charles. Toponymy on the Periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic Until the End of the New Kingdom. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2020.


Cooper, Julien Charles. Toponymy on the Periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic Until the End of the New Kingdom. Brill, 2020.

Harvard-stil citat

Cooper, J. C. 2020. Toponymy on the Periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic until the End of the New Kingdom. Leiden ; Boston: Brill.

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