
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Kotyl, M. (2020). A Notebook Roll and a Fiscal Codex from the Giessen Papyrus Collection (P.Giss. II). De Gruyter.

Chicago-stil citat

Kotyl, Marcin. A Notebook Roll and a Fiscal Codex from the Giessen Papyrus Collection (P.Giss. II). Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.


Kotyl, Marcin. A Notebook Roll and a Fiscal Codex from the Giessen Papyrus Collection (P.Giss. II). De Gruyter, 2020.

Harvard-stil citat

Kotyl, M. 2020. A Notebook Roll and a Fiscal Codex from the Giessen Papyrus Collection (P.Giss. II). Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter.

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