
A correct map and chart of the Catagatte and the Baltic Sea, from the Scawe up to Petersburgh with the surrounding countries of Norway, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Prussia, Pomerania, Holstein and Denmark

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A correct map and chart of the Catagatte and the Baltic Sea, from the Scawe up to Petersburgh with the surrounding countries of Norway, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Prussia, Pomerania, Holstein and Denmark

0-meridiaani: Ferro: Koordinaattiasteikko: E22°-E48°, N62°20'-53°20'.

Published as the act directs, 31st of Mar. 1782 by J. Bew, Pater Noster Row.

Liittyy teokseen Political Magazine, March 1782.

J[oh]n Lodge sculp.

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