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Julkaisussa Das Mittelalter 2012, Vol.17(1), 2012, Vol.17(1), pp.100-112
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Hakutulos 2
Julkaisussa Arms & Armour 01 April 2009, Vol.6(1), p.79-92
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Hakutulos 3
Julkaisussa Arms & Armour 01 October 2011, Vol.8(2), p.117-122

A recently discovered manuscript by the Friulian fencing master Fiore dei Liberi (fl. c. 1383–1410), Bibliothèque Nationale MS Lat. 11269 is discussed and compared with other known copies. Authorial intent, the style of arms, armour, and other military equipment depicted, and the dating and style of the manuscript are also discussed.

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Hakutulos 4
Julkaisussa Arms & Armour 01 April 2012, Vol.9(1), p.20-24

Royal Armouries MS I.33 is the oldest known surviving manual of swordplay, dating to around 1320. The manuscript is in generally good condition considering it has made its way through raided monasteries, ducal libraries, and likely a soldier’s kit bag over its 700-year life. But has it survived this journey completely intact? A closer look reveals compelling evidence to suggest that portions of this important manuscript may, in fact, be missing.

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Hakutulos 5
Julkaisussa Arms & Armour 01 April 2012, Vol.9(1), p.76-84

In an earlier issue, Dr. Timothy Dawson suggested that the fighting techniques found in Royal Armouries MS I.33 may have been influenced by earlier Byzantine sword and shield combat. For evidence, he cites a series of 9th-century ivory carvings depicting similar positions found in I.33. This article is a response to Dr. Dawson’s, in which it is argued that there is ample evidence for similar combat positions being found in Western Europe that both pre-date and are contemporary with I.33.

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Hakutulos 7
Julkaisussa Oxford German Studies April 2012, Vol.41(1), pp.32-56

The earliest extant European fencing manual, Royal Armouries MS I.33 c. 12701300, is an unusual work, portraying a tonsured priest teaching a system of sword-and-buckler combat to two students, the second of whom is a woman named Walpurgis. The purpose of the manual has not as yet been established. This article first considers depictions of fencing schirmen in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Middle High German literary texts including Kudrun and the Trojanerkrieg, and the links between sword-and-buckler combat and the judicial combat. It also investigates the degree to which clergy and women took part in the practice of the judicial combat in France, England and Germany during the Middle Ages, and the role of individual German churches, monasteries and cathedrals as organisers and judges of the process. The article draws on both literary and historical material, including the numerous later medieval German fencing manuals, to support the argument that MS I.33 was designed as a teaching manual for a clerical fencing master to assist in providing training to defendants facing trial by combat.

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Hakutulos 8
Julkaisussa Speculum 10/1967, Vol.42(4), pp.767-768
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Hakutulos 9

Bertil Maler. Orto do Esposo. Texto inédito do fim do século XIV ou começo do XV. Edição critica com introdução, anotações e glossário. Vol. I: Texto critico. Vol. II: Comentario. Rio de Janeiro (Ministerio da Educação e Cultura: Instituto Nacional do Livro), 1956, 223 pp. Vol. III: Correcções dos vols. I e II, estudo das fontes e do estado da lingua, glos‐sário, lista dos livros citados e índice gérai. Stockholm (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Romanica Stockholmiensia, 1), 1964, 161 pp. Gil Vicente, Obras dramáticas castellanas (Clásicos Castellanos, n° 156), ed. by Thomas R. Hart, Madrid 1962 (278 +lv pp.). Gil Vicente, Poesía (Biblioteca Anaya, n° 57), ed. by Thomas R. Hart, Salamanca‐Madrid‐Barcelona 1965 (68 pp.). R. Clive Willis, An essential course in Modern Portuguese, Harrap, London, 1965. Martin Wierschin, Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens. München: H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1965 ( = Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Bd. 13). ix +214 S., mit 2 Abb. u. 38 Tafeln. Geh. DM 34.—. Roger Sherman Loomis, The Grail. From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol. Cardiff, University of Wales Press & New York, Columbia University Press, 1963. Pp. 287. $6.50. Mario A. Di Cesare, Vida's Christiad and Vergilian Epic. Columbia University Press, New York and London 1964. ix +372 pp. 56s. George Kane, The Autobiographical Fallacy in Chaucer and Langland Studies. The Chambers Memorial Lecture delivered 2 March 1965 at University College, London. H. K. Lewis & Co., London. 20 pp. No price given. Selections from Gavin Douglas. With an Introduction, Notes and Glossary by David F. Coldwell. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1964. Pp. xxix + 161. 18s. Henry Howard Earl of Surrey, Poems, edited with an Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Emrys Jones. Clarendon Mediaeval and Tudor Series, Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1964. xxx +169 pp. 21s. H. L. Rogers, ’Double Profit’ in MACBETH. Melbourne University Press on behalf of The Australian Research Council (Cambridge University Press), 1964. 65 pp. 12s. 6d. Edward William Tayler, Nature and Art in Renaissance Literature. Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1964. xiv+226 pp. 37s. 6d. Louis L. Martz, The Paradise Within. Studies in Vaughan, Traherne, and Milton. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1964. xix + 217 pp. $6.50 (48s.) net. Pierre Legouis, Andrew Marvell, poet, puritan, patriot. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1965. ix+252 pp. 30s. net. Ralp

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Wolfram Schmitt, Review. Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens. Studia neophilolgica 38 (1966), 142-146.

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