
Advanced search instructions

Search fields

With the advanced search, you can perform more complex searches. The advanced search features several search fields into which you can type search terms and phrases as well as Boolean search operators (AND, OR, NOT).

Every search field has a drop-down menu from which you can choose to limit the search, for example, by author, subject or publisher. Several search terms may be combined by using multiple search fields or search groups at the same time. The same Boolean operator will always be applied to the search term within a single search group (AND, OR, NOT).

The Match menu in the search group

The Match drop-down menu in the search group determines whether the results must feature all, some or none of the terms in the search fields.

With all these (AND) — Returns results that match the content of every search field.

With any of these (OR) — Returns results that match the content of one or more search fields. NB! The OR operator may yield more results than the AND operator.

With none of these (NOT) — Returns results that feature none of the terms in any of the search fields. Use this operator if you want to exclude a specific keyword.

Search groups

Add search group — Adds a new group of search fields.

Remove search group — Removes the search group.

The relationships between several search groups are determined by using the search operators ALL groups or ANY groups.


You can limit an advanced search by language, content type or year of manufacture.

A single search may include several languages and material types.

You can further refine your search on the search results page by filtering by permissible uses or content providers.